Title: Making an Impression Theme: Arrogance Genre: Comedy Version: Manga Rating: G Summary: Venus teaches everyone a lesson with her handy chain. It's probably obvious how this short is going to end, but oh well. :p
Title: A Lesson in Sensibility for the Day After Theme: Deformity Genre: Comedy Version: Manga Rating: G Summary: The morning after the Guardians amuse themselves with champaign.
Title: Leave it to Venus Theme: Fireworks Genre: Comedy Version: Manga Rating: G Summary: The four Sailor Guardians spend time entertaining themselves instead of watching after the infant Serenity.
Title: A Lesson in Sensibility Theme: In Vino Veritas Genre: Comedy Version: Manga Rating: PG Summary: Princess Serenity learns a valuable lesson about champaign from her mother.
Title: The Truth About Reflections Theme: Reflection Genre: Comdey/Adult Version: Manga Rating: R Summary: Motoki finds Michiru's mirror in his possession.